The Success of the Sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE)

Welcome to the world of the China International Import Expo (CIIE), where global business opportunities thrive. In this article, we will delve into the remarkable success of the sixth CIIE, which concluded with intended deals valued at $78.41 billion, marking a 6.7% increase compared to the previous year. Join me, Elizabeth Johnson, as we explore the highlights, participants, and the positive impact of this international event.

Impressive Participation and Intended Deals

Discover the remarkable gathering of participants and the significant increase in intended deals at the sixth CIIE.

The Success of the Sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) - -777357584

The sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) witnessed an impressive gathering of participants from 154 countries, regions, and international organizations. Over 3,400 enterprises, including 289 of the world's top 500 enterprises, showcased their latest products, technologies, and services. This year's expo also set a record with more than 400 new technologies, high-tech products, and innovative services making their debut.

With the value of intended deals reaching $78.41 billion, the sixth CIIE achieved a remarkable 6.7% increase compared to the previous year. Over 600 intended deals were reached at 96 project signing ceremonies, showcasing the immense business opportunities and global interest in the Chinese market.

Country Exhibition: Showcasing Achievements and Culture

Explore the diverse range of countries and international organizations that participated in the Country Exhibition, highlighting their scientific and technological achievements, culture, and art.

The Country Exhibition at the sixth CIIE provided a platform for 72 countries and international organizations to showcase their accomplishments. This year, 11 first-time attendees, including Bahrain, the Central African Republic, and Guinea-Bissau, joined the exhibition, expanding the diversity of participants.

Each country presented its scientific and technological achievements, cultural heritage, and artistic creations, fostering cultural exchange and promoting mutual understanding. The Country Exhibition was a vibrant display of the world's rich diversity and the power of international collaboration.

Hongqiao International Economic Forum: A Global Dialogue

Delve into the sixth Hongqiao International Economic Forum, where global leaders, experts, and industry executives gathered to discuss global openness and cooperation.

The sixth CIIE hosted the Hongqiao International Economic Forum, a prestigious platform for global dialogue. With 22 sub-forums and over 8,000 participants, including government officials, Nobel Prize laureates, and industry executives, the forum provided valuable insights and discussions on global openness and cooperation.

During the forum, the World Openness Report 2023 was released, shedding light on the importance of international trade and collaboration. Co-hosted by renowned international organizations such as UNCTAD, UNDP, UNIDO, ITC, and the United Nations Global Compact, the forum showcased the significance of the CIIE in promoting global economic development.

Next Stop: European Road Shows

Get ready for the upcoming European road shows as the seventh CIIE gears up to expand global collaborations and opportunities.

The seventh edition of the CIIE is set to embark on a series of global road shows, starting with three European countries: Switzerland, Austria, and France. European companies have been regular participants in the CIIE, benefiting from the vast Chinese market.

Companies like Schneider Electric have experienced significant success, with deals increasing by 24% compared to the previous year. The expansion of collaborations across various industries, including energy, commercial construction, and life sciences, highlights the immense potential for mutual benefits between China and European partners.

As the CIIE continues to grow, more opportunities for global trade and cooperation are on the horizon. Stay tuned for updates and exciting developments as the seventh CIIE paves the way for a brighter future.

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