Art Basel in Miami Beach: A Showcase of Openness and Generosity

Welcome to Art Basel in Miami Beach, where a refreshing wave of openness and generosity is sweeping through the art world. In this article, we will explore how blockchain technology and philanthropic initiatives are transforming the landscape of this renowned art event. Get ready to dive into a world of innovation, community, and giving back.

Embracing Blockchain Technology: Tezos and Arcual

Discover how Tezos and Arcual are revolutionizing the art world with blockchain technology.

Art Basel in Miami Beach: A Showcase of Openness and Generosity - -955884302

Blockchain technology has made its way into the art world, bringing transparency and innovation to the forefront. Tezos and Arcual, two prominent platforms, have been at the forefront of this movement, showcasing the potential of blockchain in the art industry.

Tezos, known for its decentralized and community-based approach, has collaborated with Refraction Festival to organize an augmented reality scavenger hunt on South Beach. This unique event combines art and technology, inviting participants to explore the area and discover hidden artworks through their smartphones.

Arcual, on the other hand, focuses on automating payment flows and provenance standards for physical artworks. They have recently launched an online sales platform that includes automatic donation pledges. This initiative allows art buyers to contribute to charitable causes effortlessly while supporting the art community.

Tezos @ South Beach: A Celebration of Art and Community

Experience the vibrant Tezos @ South Beach event, where art, exhibitions, and performances come together.

Tezos @ South Beach is not your typical art event. It is a celebration of art, community, and inclusivity. From December 6 to 8, the Nautilus Sonesta Miami Beach hotel will come alive with exhibitions, panels, and performances, all showcasing the power of Tezos and its impact on the art world.

One of the highlights of the event is an NFT sale, where a portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Trevor Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting young LGBTQ+ individuals. This demonstrates Tezos' commitment to giving back and making a positive difference in the community.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Tezos and experience the intersection of art and technology like never before.

Philanthropy Meets Art: Arcual's Donation Pledges

Learn how Arcual is integrating philanthropy into the art world with their automated donation pledges.

Arcual is revolutionizing the art world by automating donation pledges for physical artworks. Their new online sales platform automatically includes donation pledges, ensuring that a portion of the sales price goes to charitable causes.

During the Miami Art Week, Arcual has partnered with the Miami Foundation and the International Committee of the Red Cross. These organizations will receive a share of the sales price of works available on the platform, promoting philanthropy and making a positive impact through art.

With Arcual's seamless integration of philanthropy into the art market, buyers can support charitable causes effortlessly while investing in exceptional artworks.

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