Artful Ageing: Celebrating the Power of Art in Healthy Ageing

Welcome to the Artful Ageing exhibition, where we celebrate the incredible power of art in promoting healthy ageing and personal well-being. In this exhibition, we showcase the remarkable work of 27 amateur artists, all aged between 60 and 90. These individuals have discovered that creating art is not only a fulfilling hobby but also a valuable tool for maintaining a vibrant and fulfilling life. Join us as we explore the diverse range of artistic styles and mediums that these talented individuals have embraced. Get ready to be inspired and discover the transformative effects of art on the ageing process.

The Power of Art in Healthy Ageing

Discover how art can contribute to healthy ageing and personal well-being.

Artful Ageing: Celebrating the Power of Art in Healthy Ageing - 812448980

Art is not just a hobby or a pastime; it has the power to positively impact our health and well-being as we age. Engaging in artistic activities can provide social interaction, boost self-esteem, enhance cognitive functions, and promote thinking outside of the box.

Through the Artful Ageing exhibition, we witness the transformative effects of art on the lives of 27 amateur artists aged 60 to 90. Their stories and artistic expressions demonstrate the joy, accomplishment, and overall well-being that art brings to their lives.

A Celebration of Artistic Diversity

Explore the wide range of artistic styles and mediums showcased in the exhibition.

The Artful Ageing exhibition is a testament to the belief that everyone is an artist. From oil and acrylic paintings to watercolor, pen and pencil drawings, photography, clay sculptures, and even diamond art painting, this exhibition showcases the immense creativity and talent of the participating artists.

We also have a special display on Zentangle, an accessible form of art for seniors, created by experienced artist Nicole Langevin. Additionally, Suzanne Hocquard and Lorie Brown's collages highlight the artistic group work with residents at Heritage Lodge in Vankleek Hill.

Inspiring Others to Embrace Art

Encourage seniors and others to explore their artistic potential.

One of the main goals of the Artful Ageing exhibition is to inspire others to embrace their artistic side. Curator Eva Levesque hopes that visitors will be motivated to say 'Let's see if I can too' instead of 'I can't.'

Art has the power to transcend age and open doors to new possibilities. By showcasing the work of these talented amateur artists, we hope to encourage individuals of all ages to explore their creative potential and experience the numerous benefits that art can bring to their lives.

Visit the Artful Ageing Exhibition

Discover the details of the exhibition and plan your visit.

The Artful Ageing exhibition runs from November 30th to December 17th at Arbor Gallery in Vankleek Hill. The vernissage, or opening reception, will take place on Sunday, December 3rd from 1 to 3pm.

Arbor Gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday from noon to 4pm, and admission to the exhibits is always free. Located at 36 Home Avenue, it is conveniently situated in the heart of Vankleek Hill.

Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of art and witness the transformative power it holds for healthy ageing and personal well-being.

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