Unveiling the Impact of Fort Liberty Housing Services at the 2023 Trade Show

At the recent 2023 Trade Show, the Fort Liberty Housing Services Office joined forces with the Greater Apartment Association of Fayetteville to showcase their commitment to providing exceptional housing services. This article delves into the impact they made at the event, enlightening the local housing community about their services and establishing valuable connections. Join us as we explore the remarkable efforts of the Fort Liberty Housing Services Office at the 2023 Trade Show.

Educating the Local Housing Community

Fort Liberty Housing Services Office's mission to ensure a high quality of life for service members and their families

At the 2023 Trade Show, the Fort Liberty Housing Services Office took the opportunity to educate the local housing community about their services and the unique needs and requirements of service members and their families. Their mission is to ensure a high quality of life for these individuals, and the trade show provided the perfect platform to spread awareness.

By engaging with attendees at their booth, the Fort Liberty HSO team lead, Paul Stercay, was able to enlighten many property managers and landlords who were previously unaware of the range of services offered by the office. The team left a lasting impression on the housing community, with attendees expressing surprise and gratitude for the valuable information provided.

Establishing Positive Connections

The importance of fostering positive connections between Fort Liberty and the local housing community

Attendance at the trade show allowed the Fort Liberty Housing Services Office to strengthen their connections with members of the local housing community. These connections play a crucial role in shaping a service member's housing experience and overall quality of life.

By establishing open lines of communication and fostering positive relationships, the Fort Liberty HSO aims to prevent any lack of clarity or misinformation that may arise. This trade show provided an excellent opportunity to bridge the gap between Fort Liberty and the surrounding community, ensuring a seamless housing experience for service members.

Utilizing the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

Guiding property management professionals on utilizing the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

One valuable insight provided by the Fort Liberty Housing Services Office was the effective use of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act when dealing with military-connected renters. This Act offers protections for servicemembers during a permanent change of station or deployment, ensuring their legal and financial transactions are safeguarded.

Property management professionals were educated on the expectations they can place on service members regarding notices to vacate and payment schedules. By understanding and utilizing the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, property managers can create a more supportive and understanding environment for military-connected renters.

Advocacy for Property Managers and Owners

The role of the Fort Liberty Housing Services Office in providing advocacy to property managers and owners

In addition to educating property managers and landlords, the Fort Liberty HSO also highlighted their role in providing advocacy to these individuals. They invited interested parties to visit their office on-post, drop off marketing flyers, and network with their team.

By establishing a strong partnership with property managers and owners, the Fort Liberty HSO can better advocate for the needs of service members. This collaboration ensures that property managers have a better understanding of the functions of the HSO and can provide the necessary support to service members and their families.

Introducing Homes.Mil

Making property managers aware of the free resource, Homes.Mil

Another valuable resource introduced by the Fort Liberty Housing Services Office at the trade show was Homes.Mil. This free online platform is available 24/7 and lists available home rentals for service members.

Property managers and owners were made aware of the opportunity to post their available listings on Homes.Mil, providing service members with a convenient way to find suitable rentals. This resource further strengthens the connection between the housing community and the Fort Liberty HSO, ensuring service members have access to a wide range of housing options.

Looking Towards the Future

The Fort Liberty Housing Services Office's commitment to attending future trade shows and community events

The success of their participation in the 2023 Trade Show has motivated the Fort Liberty Housing Services Office to continue attending future trade shows and community events. They recognize the importance of engaging with the local housing community and spreading awareness about their services.

By actively participating in these events, the Fort Liberty HSO aims to strengthen their community partnerships and ensure that service members and their families receive the support they need for a high quality of life. They are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and the positive impact they can make on the housing community.


The Fort Liberty Housing Services Office made a significant impact at the 2023 Trade Show, showcasing their commitment to providing exceptional housing services for service members and their families. By educating the local housing community, establishing positive connections, and advocating for property managers and owners, the Fort Liberty HSO has strengthened their community partnerships and ensured a high quality of life for service members. Their participation in future trade shows and community events will continue to promote their services and support the housing needs of service members.

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